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Planned visit to the "Sasta" machine-tool plant by the management of the "Baltic Industrial Company"

The delegation of "BPK" visited the machine-tool plant "Sasta" and the Sasovo Foundry with a planned visit.

During the visit, General Director of "BPK" Kaledina Diana discussed with General Director of "Sasta" Glebovitsky Maxim issues of further investment in the Sasovo factories. Currently, the foundry is being modernized, equipment for the welding and procurement area has been purchased and put into operation. The main task of Sasta and the Sasovo Foundry Plant is to increase the labor productivity of workers and the formation of an up-to-date warehouse stock of machine tools.

In addition, Kaledina Diana conducted an inspection of the organizational changes of Sasta and control over the financial condition of the plant and also discussed the infrastructure problems of the plants: electricity and gas, the reduction of industrial risks and the reduction of environmental losses.